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Welcome to your local wine seller

25 years of tasting, proposing and selling Portuguese and international wines.

Delivered to your home in Portugal or the EU.


About José Queimado


José Queimado has a lifelong affinity for wine. He began his career in the cork business, selling cork stoppers to wineries globally in Europe, the United States, and Australia. He went on to manage the wine and beverage business for a major retail chain, exposing him to a wide range of wines and allowing him to cultivate strong relationships with Portuguese wine producers. During his tenure, he sharpened his wine tasting skills through tastings with professional winemakers.


José´s expertise extends beyond Portuguese wines as he was also the European Manager for Port wine. He even gained editorial experience, contributing to a professional wine and beverage magazine.


With a continued passion for wine, José founded his own wine tourism business 25 years ago, combining his love of wine with his love of travel and culture. He has organised dozens of wine courses and wine tours in Portugal and Europe. 



Join the Newsletter

Each month, we curate Portuguese and international wines available for purchase and delivery in Portugal and the EU. All wines are tasted and approved by José Queimado.

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